TopScore Technologies

Platform Cookie Policy 


 TopScore Technologies Platform Cookie Policy

Last updated 16th November 2023.


  1. How we use cookies

A cookie is a small file which is placed on your computer’s hard drive or smart device and allows the TopScore web application to respond to you as an individual.

We use session and application cookies to identify you. This ensures that areas of our application can be used by you and you alone in a secure manner. Session cookies are removed from our system when your session ends, and application cookies expire by your browser shortly after.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. Preventing the strictly necessary cookies that the TopScore platform relies on, will prevent you from using our website.

Many websites give you control over the types of cookies you decide to accept from them.

Most websites group these as follows:

  • Strictly necessary cookies: these are essential for our website to function. We don’t ask for your consent to these and the only way to avoid them is to not use our website.
  • Nice to have cookies: these help websites to give you a better user experience, but the website will still function if you choose to turn them off. TopScore do not use Nice-to-have cookies.
  • Advertising or Tracking cookies: these allow advertising to be tailored to your interests, both on their website and as you browse the web after leaving their website. TopScore do not use Adverting nor Tracking cookies.


  1. TopScore Cookies (Strictly Necessary)

Cookie Name



Identifies an individual user session for the purposes of enabling authentication.


An anti-forgery token to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. It guarantees that you receive data from only us and we are receiving data from you and not an imposter.


Helps track real-time changes in activity while on our website.


Similar to session but contains encrypted information about your user credentials that we use to verify it is really you.